My name is Mary Martin and I am an engineer.
What is an engineer? The traditional image of engineers at drafting tables and crunching numbers isn't accurate any more. I'm a member of the new class of engineers, the modern engineer. I am currently a sophomore at Olin College of Engineering, where the main focus is starting a revolution in engineering education. Unlike many traditional engineering programs, Olin's courses are hands on team project based, with a do-learn style that allows its students to learn on our feet and to develop the teamwork and management skills that we will need in the world outside of the Olin bubble.
My major is mechanical engineering, and my main passion within this sphere is human factors interface design. Creating a system from initial concept to final deliverable is one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever felt. From working on multiple hackathon teams with my friends, I know how to get a project done under pressure and I know when to kill my darlings for the greater good of the team. By taking all of the classes in Olin's Design Stream, but most especially from User Oriented Collaborative Design, I have learned how to find unmet needs and to develop the best possible solutions to those needs.
The most important part of being an engineer, to me, is the people. Nothing is done in isolation and engineering can be used to have incredibly positive effects on the world. It is our duty as engineers to use our work to improve the world to the best of our abilities.
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